N-600 Certificate of Citizenship

Por: Vianey Hurtado
Abogado de Inmigración
Licenciado en Arizona desde: 2014

N-600 Certificate of Citizenship Immigration Attorney In Phoenix, AZ

The N-600 Certificate of Citizenship is a document that recognizes the citizenship of a person who meets certain criteria but has not yet obtained other formal proof of citizenship. With the validation of your citizenship through an N-600 certificate, you will be able to obtain other forms of identification, such as a passport, social security number, or driver’s license. 

The N-600 Certificate of Citizenship is not a request or application for citizenship. It is a means for a biological or adopted child of U.S. citizens who was born outside of the United States to have their right to citizenship recognized.

At Vianey K. Hurtado Law, we want to help you through the application process to ensure that your information is complete, accurate, and sent off to the correct entities. Our team has years of experience in immigration law and in assisting clients to achieve their goals of legal residence or citizenship.

Forbes Advisor

Itzel L.

VIANEY HURTADO es un abogado increíble. Desde el inicio de mis servicios ella y su equipo se aseguraron de que me sintiera bien cuidada. Ella y su equipo fueron pacientes, eficientes y compasivos conmigo.

Betty G.

El abogado Vianey K. Hurtado es un abogado de inmigración muy honesto, profesional y paciente que le da confianza en el curso de su caso. Ella me ayudó mucho y muy rápido para mi residencia.

Juan E.

Si mi familia y yo pudiéramos dar 100 estrellas lo haría. Vianey y todo su personal fueron serviciales desde el primer día. Siempre nos trató con gran profesionalismo. Siempre honesto y trabajador. Definitivamente la estaré recomendando!!!

Lizbeth S.

Mi padre tenía un caso migratorio muy duro, Vianey hizo un trabajo increíble. Muchas gracias, muy agradecido por todo lo que hiciste. Mi padre ahora es residente permanente gracias a ti.

Eligibility Criteria

The immigration laws of the United States permit many methods of obtaining citizenship, one of which is the N-600 Certificate of Citizenship. One of the preliminary requirements for an N-600 certificate, which sets it apart from the related N-600K form, is that the applicant must regularly live in the United States.

There are three primary bases on which a person is eligible to receive an N-600 certificate. The first basis is being born abroad to at least one parent who is a United States citizen at the time of your birth. As the applicant, you affirm that:

  1. You gained your right to citizenship at birth;
  1. You are the biological child of your U.S. citizen parent;
  1. Your U.S. citizen parent is your mother OR you were born in wedlock or legitimated before the age of 16 years as the child of a U.S. citizen father.

Though it is possible to gain citizenship through your biological father, who was not married to your biological mother at the time of your birth, there are other criteria to meet. You should discuss the additional requirements with your lawyer to determine whether it is a viable option for you.

The second basis on which to have your citizenship recognized is through at least one parent becoming a U.S. citizen while you were still a minor. If you are claiming U.S. citizenship after birth, but before you reached 18 years of age, the law in effect when the last qualifying condition was met is the law that applies to you. Generally, you must meet the following conditions:  

  1. Your parent is a U.S. citizen or naturalized U.S. citizen;
  1. You are the biological child of your U.S. citizen parent;
  1. You were lawfully admitted to the United States for lawful permanent residence; and 
  1. You are living in the United States in the legal and physical custody of your U.S. citizen parent.

The third basis on which to claim your certificate of citizenship is through adoption by a U.S. citizen parent, either born or naturalized. This basis is more complex due to the definition of an adoptive child according to the Immigration and Nationality Act. These additional requirements include:

  • The child must meet the requirements for family-based adoption set forth by the Immigration and Nationality Act;
  • The child has at least one adoptive parent who is a U.S. citizen by birth or through naturalization;
  • The child was lawfully admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident; and 
  • The child resides in the United States in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen adoptive parent (or parents).

Your attorney will be up to date on the eligibility requirements and will inform you of any discrepancies in your information. Immigration law is constantly changing, and many forms rely on the laws in effect at your birth or at the moment of meeting citizenship criteria.

Evidence of Claim

After choosing the basis on which you are claiming citizenship, the next step will be to provide personal information. Based on the stage that you are at in your immigration or residence process, you may have some or none of the following:

  • Permanent resident card
  • U.S. Social Security number
  • Alien registration number
  • USCIS online number

Don’t worry if you do not have all of these forms of identification; your application will not be rejected on that fact alone.

The rest of the application will concern your country of prior nationality or citizenship in addition to personal and demographic information. This information will show whether your residence in the United States was permitted, what the relation of your parents was at your birth, and where your U.S. citizen parent has lived. This may be challenging to determine, but an attorney will do what they can to help you submit a complete and accurate form.


Unfortunately, USCIS does require a fee for submitting Form N-600, in the amount of $1,1385 if applying by mail or $1,335 if applying online. Luckily, Form N-600 is among the forms which may have the fees waived for applicants in need or of merit. Your fee can be waived if:

  • You, the applicant, are a member or veteran of any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • You are granted a waiver through Form I-912

A fee waiver through Form I-912 may be granted for circumstances including living below the Federal Poverty Guidelines, receiving means-tested benefits (like SNAP, Medicaid, etc), or experiencing significant recent financial hardship.

Por qué los clientes eligen Vianey Hurtado

Contact An Experienced Immigration Attorney In Phoenix, AZ

With so many hoops to jump through, a trusted attorney by your side can be your best asset. At Vianey K. Hurtado Law, we are committed to our clients’ success. Whether you need the help of a lawyer for your Form N-600 submission or need a representative in any matter of immigration court, we hope Vianey K. Hurtado is your choice.

We offer in-depth case evaluations which will provide you with information about N-600 requirements, what steps you need to take, and a chance to speak with Vianey K. Hurtado herself about your case. Our bilingual office welcomes both English and Spanish speaking clients.

Fill out a contact form or call our office today to speak with Vianey K. Hurtado Law.

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1401 W Washington St Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85007
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