I-290B Appeals Form

Por: Vianey Hurtado
Abogado de Inmigración
Licenciado en Arizona desde: 2014

I-290B Appeals Form Immigration Attorney In Phoenix, AZ

Form I-290B, also known as "Notice of Appeal or Motion," is used when someone needs to challenge a decision made by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This form appeals the adverse decision to the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO), asking AAO to take another look at their case. This form is especially important if their application for a green card or any other benefit is denied.  It is also possible that mistakes were made in the original decision or new information has come up. Getting help from an experienced immigration lawyer can be helpful throughout the I-290B appeal process.

If you need to file Form I-290B, it's important that you contact an immigration attorney for professional assistance. Attorney Vianey K. Hurtado understands complex immigration laws and has many years of experience helping people achieve their immigration goals. She can help in many areas, such as ensuring your form is filled out correctly, gathering all important documents together, and submitting your form on time. Vianey Hurtado brings professional experience and a personal understanding of the immigration experience, being an immigrant's daughter herself. Vianey has made it her life's work to help reunite families and advocate for her clients. Please contact us today to schedule a comprehensive case evaluation. Our law firm speaks Spanish and serves the areas of Phoenix and Yuma.

Forbes Advisor

Itzel L.

VIANEY HURTADO es un abogado increíble. Desde el inicio de mis servicios ella y su equipo se aseguraron de que me sintiera bien cuidada. Ella y su equipo fueron pacientes, eficientes y compasivos conmigo.

Betty G.

El abogado Vianey K. Hurtado es un abogado de inmigración muy honesto, profesional y paciente que le da confianza en el curso de su caso. Ella me ayudó mucho y muy rápido para mi residencia.

Juan E.

Si mi familia y yo pudiéramos dar 100 estrellas lo haría. Vianey y todo su personal fueron serviciales desde el primer día. Siempre nos trató con gran profesionalismo. Siempre honesto y trabajador. Definitivamente la estaré recomendando!!!

Lizbeth S.

Mi padre tenía un caso migratorio muy duro, Vianey hizo un trabajo increíble. Muchas gracias, muy agradecido por todo lo que hiciste. Mi padre ahora es residente permanente gracias a ti.

What Can Form I-290b Be Used For In Arizona?

When you apply for immigration in the U.S. and don't get the result you hoped for, the USCIS I-290B form is your way to ask for another review. It's important to understand the different ways to request a review and know when to use each option.

What is an Appeal?

If USCIS denies your application, you can ask for a higher group, the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO), to take a second look. There are two possible paths for an appeal:

  • Change to a Motion: The USCIS office that initially made the decision may decide to re-examine your application. They can change your appeal to a motion to reconsider or reopen.
  • Review by AAO: Otherwise, your appeal can be forwarded directly to the AAO for a comprehensive review.

Since appeals and motions are different processes and require specific considerations, consulting with an immigration attorney is highly recommended. They can help determine the right course of action based on the specifics of your case.

Motion to Reconsider

A motion to reconsider is when you tell USCIS they made a mistake with your application using the same information you already gave them. Key aspects include:

  • Using Existing Evidence: The argument must be made using the evidence already presented in your original application.
  • 30-day Deadline: You must prepare a convincing legal argument, particularly within the short 30-day deadline for filing this motion. An experienced immigration attorney can be helpful in creating a strong argument.

Motion to Reopen

If you have new information or evidence not in your original application, this motion asks USCIS to consider it. The key parts of a motion to reopen include:

  • Presentation of New Evidence: All evidence provided must be new and not previously submitted.
  • Affidavits Requirement: Alongside the new evidence, affidavits or sworn statements supporting the evidence should be included.
  • No Repetition of Arguments: Arguments made in a motion to reopen should be distinct and not reiterate points from the original application.
  • 30-day Deadline: You must prepare a convincing legal argument, particularly within the short 30-day deadline for filing this motion. An experienced immigration attorney can be helpful in creating a strong argument.

The I-290B form is your way of asking for a second chance on your immigration application, whether by pointing out errors, asking for a higher review, or showing new important information. Getting a lawyer's help can make a big difference in the result of your appeal or motion.

How Do You File Form I-290B in Arizona?

Filling out the USCIS I-290B form is important if you need to challenge an immigration decision. We do not recommend going about this on your own. Below is general information that should not be taken as legal advice. Contact our firm to schedule a case evaluation for specific information regarding your scenario:

Part 1: Information About the Applicant or Petitioner

  • Personal Information: Include your full name, A-number (Alien Registration Number), USCIS online account number, and mailing address.
  • Business Information: If you represent a business or organization, provide its name.

Part 2: Information About the Appeal or Motion

  • Type of Request: Tell whether you're filing an appeal, a motion to reopen, a motion to reconsider, or a combined motion to reopen and reconsider.
  • Details of Original Application: Include the USCIS form number of your original application or petition, its receipt number, the nonimmigrant or immigrant classification sought, the USCIS decision date, and the office that issued the decision.
  • Submitting Briefs or Evidence: If appealing, decide whether to include a brief and/or additional evidence with your form, send them separately to the AAO within 30 days, or don't submit them.

Part 3: Basis for the Appeal or Motion

  • Appeal Statement: If appealing, include a statement explaining the decision you are challenging.
  • Motion to Reopen: List new facts and provide the documents that support them.
  • Motion to Reconsider: Explain how you think they made a legal mistake using information from your first application.

Part 4: Applicant's Statement, Contact Information, Certification, and Signature

  • Can You Read English?: Say whether you can read English or use an interpreter.
  • Contact Information: Provide your current address and phone number.
  • Signature: Sign and date the form.

Part 5: Interpreter's Contact Information, Certification, and Signature

  • Interpreter Details: If you used an interpreter, fill in their name, contact information, and signature.

Part 6: Contact Information, Declaration, and Signature of the Person Preparing this Form, if Other Than the Applicant

  • Preparer Details: If someone else, like an immigration attorney, prepared your form, their information and signature go here.

Part 7: Additional Information

  • Extra Space: Use this section if you need more room to provide information. You can also include your Basis for Motion or Appeal here if you run out of space in Part 3.

Filing Address and Further Guidance

  • Where to Send: Do not mail your I-290B directly to the AAO. Check the USCIS direct filing address page to determine the correct address, which varies based on the type of appeal or motion and the specific form you are contesting.
  • Consult an Attorney: For specific guidance and to ensure you're sending your form to the right place, consult an immigration attorney.

Remember, the accuracy of your I-290B form is crucial. An immigration attorney can provide assistance in reviewing your application, strengthening your case, and guiding you through the many steps of the immigration legal system. This information provided shouldn't be considered legal advice.

Por qué los clientes eligen Vianey Hurtado

Contact An Experienced Immigration Attorney In Phoenix, AZ

Form I-290B, known as the "Notice of Appeal or Motion," is the required document for challenging decisions by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). You may need to file this form if your visa or green card application is denied or if there were errors in the original decision. The process can be difficult, and having professional legal help from an experienced immigration attorney can make the process easier.

Attorney Vianey K. Hurtado offers expertise in immigration law, helping with accurate form completion, document gathering, and timely submission. Her personal connection as an immigrant's daughter drives her commitment to family reunification and client advocacy. Serving the Phoenix and Yuma areas, her firm also provides services in Spanish. Please contact our law firm today and schedule a comprehensive case evaluation.

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