As a Lawful Permanent Resident 18 years or older in Phoenix, you need to have an unexpired green card at all times. A Form I-90 helps you renew your green card every 10 years to ensure your documentation is still valid. You may also need to submit a Form I-90 if you lose your green card, your name or info has changed, or your card was destroyed.
Filing for LPR renewal can be a complex process. Working with a knowledgeable attorney helps simplify the timeline and heighten approval rates. At Vianey K. Hurtado Law, we can help you file your Form I-90 to renew residency. Our legal team all has immigrant roots and real experience within the system. We'll provide guidance and strategies to get you the best possible outcome.
This process can take anywhere from a few months, to a longer period of time, depending on the current case processing times. However, we are with you every step of the way. We are ready to advocate for members of the Phoenix and Yuma communities.
If you're an immigrant in Phoenix and your green card is expiring, you'll need to file a Form I-90 to renew your green card.. Valid green cards last for 10 years.
You should begin the I-90 application form 6 months before your green card is set to expire.
If your green card was lost, stolen, or destroyed, you should order a replacement as soon as possible.
There are a few steps involved in filing a Form I-90 for a green card renewal. These include the following:
When your green card is expiring or you've lost your current one, you'll need to fill out a Form I-90.
The application form asks for specific information to verify your status. Some of this information is:
If you need help filling out your I-90 application, a knowledgeable immigration attorney can offer guidance and strategy.
While it isn't likely, some I-90 applications do get denied. Some common reasons for this include providing inaccurate information on your I-90, filing the I-90 incorrectly, or being convicted of crimes that render you deportable from the United States.
If this happens to you, there are a few steps you can take to receive approval. These are as follows:
1. Submit A Motion To Reconsider - You can submit a motion to reconsider to the USCIS. You must show proof and facts that verify they were incorrect to deny your green card renewal.
2. Seek An Immigration Attorney - I-90 rejections can be complicated and overwhelming. An equipped immigration attorney can assist you and file all necessary documents to put you in the best position for your application to get approved.
Attorney Vianey K. Hurtado and the VKH legal team help you navigate complex immigration issues, like filing a Form I-90 for renewal. We provide in-depth strategies to aid your efforts in maintaining LPR. We actively advocate for immigrants in the Phoenix and Yuma areas.
If you're struggling to renew your green card in Arizona, contact our offices to start the process today.